Four More Podcasts For Your Next Run

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Ahhh, there’s nothing quite like a toasty cup of coffee on a chilly morning. Especially if it’s before an early morning run.

The bean juice, my lifeblood, how I love you.     

I’ve listened to a lot of podcasts recently while out on the roads and trails. Though I enjoy and find value in bouts of running without excess audio stimulation, I often use the time to indulge my podcast obsession.

Confession: I’m a podcast glutton. I spend hours and hours listening to them. There are so many fascinating, interesting, weird and wonderful shows out there on the interwebs. And my ears and brain are ravenous for them.      

So I thought I’d share some of my favorite recent finds. Take them with you on your next run :)

1. DNF Podcast 

A podcast from Trail Runner magazine, DNF is a show about many things.   Failure, resilience, persevering, overcoming. These words all come to mind when I think back on the people and stories covered by host Zoë RomI forget exactly how I stumbled upon DNF, but I’m glad I gave it a listen. With nine episodes (thus far), the show boasts plenty of content for hungry ears. If you’re looking for unique and inspiring stories, look no further: 

2. Astonishing Legends

I’ve got a soft spot for high strangeness. If it’s got ghosts, UFOs, monsters, or any flavor of the weird and unexplained, I’m game. Astonishing Legends has plenty of that and more. Hosts Scott Philbrook and Forrest Burgess serve as excellent guides to the strange and macabre. Launched in 2014, Astonishing Legends is still going strong with close to 200 episodes. Start with this episode on black-eyed kids if you’re looking for a spine-chilling delight:

3. Radiolab

Of course, I listen to Radiolab. And you should listen to Radiolab too. Covering everything from history and science to arts and culture, Radiolab is a show that’ll satiate your intellectual curiosity. Hosts Jad Abumrad, Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser (and sometimes Robert Krulwich) dazzle and wow with immersive audio storytelling. I recommend starting with two of my favorite episodes: “Loops” and “The Punchline.”

4. Ten Junk Miles

Dubbed by its creators as “a companion to you as you run,” Ten Junk Miles is a great show for all runners. I haven’t listened to the podcast’s entire catalog (woohoo, something to look forward to!), but the episodes I have heard are top-notch. A great first listen is the episode featuring mountain athlete Anton Krupicka:


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