Inspiration Lives On

The California International Marathon would’ve been last Sunday. In these times, virtual races are flourishing but many in-person events are still in limbo, with a plethora being canceled as the coronavirus pandemic plods on. 

Last year, nearly 10,000 runners participated in CIM, following the roads from Folsom Lake to the steps of the Capitol. My Uncle David was among last year’s cohort of runners. I ran the Capitol 5K with him the day before CIM, and damn did that cat push me. Heaving through heavy lungs, I kept pace with my uncle for about two miles, doing my best to cloak my physical struggle. 

About a mile from the finish, my uncle cheerfully announced his intent to pick it up, and BOOM, he was off. Wide-eyed, I watched in awe as he weaved in and out of other runners, disappearing in the crowd. I didn’t see him again until the finish line. We both wore wide smiles. 

My uncle qualified for the Boston Marathon with his CIM run. Watching the feat, following his progress online, I felt inspired. But it wasn’t just my uncle who inspired me; it was all the runners. Their collective energy was palpable.

Despite CIM’s cancelation, one could still find inspiration on the bike trails along the American River last weekend. 

On Saturday morning, I arose bright and early to set up an aid station on the north side of Guy West Bridge. I had volunteered to help out with Fleet Feet’s DIY Marathon. My aid station was intended as the first and last stop for the runners participating in the event. The five runners that running the informal marathon had trained with Fleet Feet coaches for 18 weeks. This was the culmination of their dedication. Like my experience at last year’s CIM, I felt inspired by watching these athletes stick to their marathon goal. 

I saw many runners on the trail while staffing the aid station. As each one passed, I couldn’t help but wonder who was out there running their marathon in lieu of CIM. I suspected many were doing such, as I noticed many a hydration pack. 

While many races are still a question mark in these times, last weekend was a nice reminder that inspiration lives on. We can find those that inspire us and be a source of inspiration to others. We just need to know where to look. 


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